Saturday, August 8, 2009

40 hours and counting down

In less that 40 hours I'll be in surgery. I am excited and just a little apprehensive. The road here has been up and down and curvy and slightly rough in patches. The liquid diet has been kinda hard, but I know it is very important to I have stuck to it and have not cheated at all. I think I have gotten things nearly ready. I still have to finish packing for my week stay in Collinville but that will only take a little while. Tomorrow at church we are having a potluck as a going away for Tyler, during that time I'm going to go get Rosie (the dog) and take her to the Kennel for a few days. Then I going back to church for an Awana meeting. I'll be driving Esther's car to Collinsville, droping off my stuff at Delores' and going on to Troy for Colleen's birthday celebration.

Esther will pick me up a Delores' at 4 am to go to the hospital. It takes about 40 minutes to get to the hospital. Surgery is scheduled for 7am. I hope to be back on the computer on Tuesday or at the latest Wednesday. I will stay at Delores' until after my one week return to the Doctor's office.

1 comment:

FlakyLMD said...

Ive been praying. Love to you!